Business of Diving Institute: Resources for Dive Industry Professionals & Scuba Divers

Your Dive Business Buddy

The Business of Diving Institute (BODI) is Your Dive Business Buddy, supporting the dive industry by producing market research, surveys & reports while developing strategies and programs to champion consistency in the quality of the experience provided by dive professionals to scuba divers. How to make a good living out of our passion for scuba diving!

Furthermore, to help scuba divers identify, request and obtain a quality and safe underwater experience, we publish handbooks for scuba divers. How to increase safety, save money & have more fun for a lifetime of legendary underwater adventures!

Support & Info for Dive Professionals

Support & Info for Scuba Divers

Books, Audiobooks & Logbooks for Scuba Divers & Dive Industry Professionals

The Business of Diving Institute supports the diving industry by providing resources for both dive professionals and scuba divers. This includes market research, surveys, and strategies aimed at improving the quality and safety of diving experiences. The dive industry includes scuba diving, snorkeling, freediving, and surface-supplied air (tankless) diving.

BODI offers handbooks and logbooks for divers, alongside support and information tailored to dive instructors.

We also offer management, marketing, and market research consulting services and promote quality standards through initiatives like Project ASK4Q.