Divemaster & Scuba Instructor Creed
I’m in Charge of My Attitude, Skills & Knowledge
The quality of training in open water certification courses is highly questionable. Instructors readily admit to cutting corners. There are frequent close calls, even during scuba training courses. And panicking scuba divers are frequently encountered.
It’s up to each one of us to raise the bar!
I prepared the following Divemaster and Scuba Instructor Creed as a reminder of our responsibilities to professionally prepare people for a lifetime of legendary underwater experiences while ensuring safety and fun.
This post is part of our Blueprints 4.0 for a Healthier Dive Industry Business Model series by the Business of Diving Institute and Darcy Kieran, author of:
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” ~Winston Churchill
Statements in this Divemaster & Instructor Creed are inspired by what is explained in the book “Your Career and/or Life as a Scuba Diving Instructor: How to Make a Good Living Out of Your Passion for Scuba Diving!”
Yet, everything here should be self-explanatory and is based on two perspectives:
- The SPF approach: Safety (S) comes first, no matter what. Then, you need performance (P), which is a catch-all for mastering your skills and having the right equipment, knowledge, and attitude. All of this must be covered to be comfortable underwater and have fun (F) in memorable underwater experiences.
- A*(S+K) = Results. Your results are the sum of your skills (S) and knowledge (K) multiplied by your attitude.
As a dive professional,
- I am committed to the Scuba Diver Creed, including safety first.
- I am committed to continuous improvement in my skills.
- I contribute to developing a quality culture in the dive industry based on consistency in the quality of the experience.
- I strive to provide a legendary experience in every dive.
- I lead by example.
- I understand that I am a role model, and my actions will influence those who see me do them.
- I give special attention to being a role model in weighting, buoyancy control, streamlining, and trim.
- I work for environmentally & socially responsible dive operators.
- I respect standards from ISO and dive training organizations but will “raise the bar” whenever possible.
- I consider accidents, incidents, and near-misses as learning occasions without judging.
- I consider my mental and physical fitness when accepting professional assignments.
- I have divers under my supervision dive in buddy pairs even if they are all in “my group.”
- I respect scuba divers’ right to cancel a dive anytime and for any reason.
- I provide complete dive briefings, including emergency procedures and environmental considerations.
- I listen and be sensitive to divers’ fears, issues, and concerns.
- I listen before I speak.
- I cancel a dive if the weather or other conditions are inappropriate for the divers under my supervision.
- I do not cut corners or push limits at the request of my employer. As a professional, I have a duty of care.
- I do not cut corners or push limits at clients’ request or in the hope of better tips.
As a divemaster,
- I am a divemaster by choice and not by chance.
- I only lead dives for which I have the training, skills, and experience to provide a safe & fun experience.
- I follow the rule that there are only three speeds in scuba diving: slow, slower, and slowest. And if I can go slower, I am going too fast.
- I adapt the speed of the group to the slowest member.
As a dive instructor,
- I am a dive instructor by choice and not by chance.
- I endeavor to develop safe, competent divers.
- I do my very best to help each student reach their full potential.
- I realize and respect that diving courses are performance-based, not time-based.
- I share helpful knowledge and techniques with others and speak from a point of mutual respect.
- I am committed to continuously improving my teaching skills and technique to support safety, performance, and fun for my student-divers.
- I do not cut corners because of time or financial constraints.
On a related note: Phase One of Project ASK4Q is a pledge by scuba divers and dive professionals (scuba instructors, divemasters, and dive center owners & staff) to systematically seek appropriate attitudes, skills, and knowledge (A.S.K.) for a quality (Q) experience based on continuous improvement in safety, performance, and fun (S.P.F.). This creed is a first draft of what a formal pledge could look like.
I’d love your feedback on this first draft of a Divemaster & Scuba Instructor Creed. Contact me, please.
More on this topic in a post for scuba divers: Scuba Diver Creed.
If you found the information on this page valuable, would you consider buying me a coffee?
Either way, let’s work together on “raising the bar” in the dive industry to satisfy today’s consumers!
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Scuba Diving Market Research, Surveys, Reports & Statistics
Blueprints 4.0: A Healthier Business Model
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