Designed with a focus on self-debriefing for continuous improvement in the mastery of scuba diving skills.

You’ve found it! The Ultimate Diver Log Book!
It is a unique, feature-rich scuba diving logbook for certified scuba divers, divemasters & scuba diving instructors.
Check instead the STARTER logbook designed specifically for new divers in the entry-level open-water diver certification course.
You Will Be Proud of Your Evolved Scuba Diving Log Book!
This dive logbook comes with a unique design on the evolution of humankind. What goes up must come down, and therefore, we are meant to be scuba divers! From underwater to underwater!

Back Cover

A clear, light, open, flexible log page design on 6” x 9” (15.2 cm x 22.9 cm) lets you write the notes you want to track your progress and keep memories of your legendary dives.

Front Cover
The Ultimate Scuba Diving Logbook
Easier to use but a bit more expensive.
A Unique… Evolved Scuba Diver Logbook!
Scuba Diving Log Book to Record & Track 100 Dives on Log Book Pages with Self-Debriefing Dive Log for Certified Scuba Divers
At the beginning of this ultimate certified diver log book, you can record all pertinent personal and health information, and possibly life-saving information, in case of emergencies.
A Flexible Clutter-Free Log Page Design
It is the best scuba diver log book! And a special one! With a clear, light, open, flexible design on 6” x 9” (15.2 cm x 22.9 cm) pages, you can write the notes you want to track your progress and keep memories of these amazing dives!
On each log page, you will see fields for information that is actually valuable to your safety, performance & fun. Then, you can record everything you want (including the non-critical information that often clutters scuba diver log book pages) in a large, flexible dive note & journal section.
Of course, this scuba diver logbook is also a great scuba diving gift!
Details you will find inside this ultimate scuba log book:
- Compact 6” x 9” (15.2cm x 22.9cm) size, yet large enough so you can actually write in it!
- 100 Dive Journal Records
- Log page for personal & medical scuba diver information
Uncluttered log book pages with:
- Dive #
- Dive Site / Country / Dive Center or Boat
- Type of Entry
- Breathing Gas (Nitrox %)
- Time In/Out
- Depth
- Total Bottom Time to Date
- Evaluation of Your Enjoyment of the Dive Site
- How Well You & Your Buddy Executed The Dive Plan
- Quality & Safety of The Dive Operator
- Your Role in The Dive (Training, Teaching, Sport Diving)
- Self-Debriefing Notes for Continuous Improvement as a Scuba Diver
- Self-Evaluation of Your Buoyancy & Trim
- Dive Instructor/Center’s Stamp
- Dive Buddy/Instructor’s Signature
Plus, all the information actually needed for buoyancy & trim mastery:
- Amount of Weights
- Type of Cylinders
- Start/End Pressure
- Water & Air Temperature
- Type of Exposure Protection (Wetsuit)
- Wetsuit Thickness
- Hood/Gloves/Socks/Booties
- Notes on Gear With Impact on Your Buoyancy
It is the best scuba diver log book for dive information pertinent to demanding scuba divers, divemasters & dive instructors.
A Unique Scuba Diving Logbook Focused on Dive Skill Mastery
Spiral Coil
Easier to use but a bit more expensive.
Keep It Dry
Grab dry pouches to keep your new logbook (and other items) dry!
Want more? There’s a version of this logbook with a series of checklists for advanced divers, divemasters & instructors…
It is a logbook and mini-handbook that puts you in charge of your underwater adventures for a lifetime of legendary underwater adventures, with:
- A Detailed List of Skills to Master With Self-Assessment to Track Your Progress.
- A list of exercises to gauge your Fitness To Dive.
- A List of Dive Gear to Buy or Rent.
- Detailed Selection Criteria to pick the best dive center & instructor for you.
- A Scuba Diver Creed.
- A Divemaster/Instructor Creed.