Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report

The Size of the Scuba diving industry - market report
The Size of the Scuba diving industry - market report

Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report

2nd Edition: Worldwide Sales of Dive Gear, Scuba Diving Certifications, Dive Travel & Dive Shop Services

“Best information I have seen of the industry. The author gives comparative data derived from multiple sources, discusses all in context, and even challenges some of the data sources that didn’t make sense and then offers what some of the numbers should be based upon other references he cites. My business is in manufacturing a single scuba-related item, and this book is very helpful.” ~JDM, review of the 1st edition on Amazon

Finally! A scuba diving market report on the dive industry size.

Dive equipment, scuba certifications & dive travel.

USA, Europe & worldwide.

2nd Edition: UPDATED market data, MORE data & more ACCURACY in dive industry market statistics.

In addition to scuba diving, we also look at snorkeling, freediving, rebreather diving, and tech diving.

“(The book) delivered scuba industry stats as promised and a solid overview about why this data is difficult to capture and locate.

I also appreciated the access to this information for the price of a book, as opposed to the heavy price tags on other dive industry reports. Those reports may be accessible to large corporations who can pay but still don’t guarantee what’s inside.

Darcy reports from an objective, journalistic, economic point of view on a field he enjoys.” Joan, review of the 1st edition on Amazon

What is the size of the scuba diving market?

Dive industry market data is hard to find. Some scuba statistics are publicly available, but most dive industry financial and market information is hidden.

We did an extensive search to identify available and reliable market and economic data sources on the scuba diving industry. We summarized it for you, and we analyzed it to determine the size of the scuba diving industry, including the scuba diving equipment market size. It is like a gigantic 3D math puzzle!

In addition to our own Business of Diving Institute surveys, we reviewed data from numerous sources, including OIA, BEA, DEMA, SFIA, U.S. Census Bureau, TIV Germany, RSTC Europe, Scubapro, Mares, SSI, Beuchat, Aqua Lung, BWMG, Shearwater, and PADI.

These are the most official unofficial numbers for the scuba diving industry market!

Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report

color, paperback



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(USA) eBook

What is this book about? A note from the author.

A Google search on “dive industry market data” provides a long list of scuba diving industry market studies. Most of them are priced between $3,000 and $5,000, and they are, for the most part, a scam.

There is a market for these fake reports, especially with universities buying them for their students and researchers. But I have also come across scuba diving professionals having wasted money on these ridiculous scuba market reports.

More info: Warning: Fake Scuba Diving Industry Statistics and Market Research. Be wary of rosy dive industry market data reports.

Once you buy and look at one of these reports, anybody with a bit of knowledge of the dive industry can spot how ridiculous these scuba market studies are, especially those about the diving equipment market size and shares. Their categories of products don’t even make sense!

Furthermore, if you click through and check the websites where these scuba diving market reports are announced, you will notice that these pseudo-research companies seem to have infinite knowledge about everything! There is a market report for everything but the kitchen sink!

What is even more astonishing about these pseudo-market reports is that every single industry is always booming, forever and ever. I suspect that it is easier to sell a positive outlook.

And these scammers are really, really good at one thing: SEO. Their fake scuba diving industry market research reports always show pretty high in search engine results. I guess they can afford to invest in SEO since they invested nothing in the report itself! There are plenty of random number generator applications online!

I hope that publishing this report on the Scuba Diving Industry Market Size & Statistics at the cost of a 2-tank dive will prevent some universities and dive industry professionals from sending thousands of dollars to scammers.

This book does NOT provide all the answers you want – or I want – because I didn’t “makeup numbers” to justify a fake $5K report! I only looked at what was available, did some research, and summarized what we know as mostly reliable.

Please provide me with your feedback. I hope to improve this summary on the size of the scuba diving industry, year over year.

I am also looking for sponsors or partners to proceed with scuba market studies, country by country, to improve the precision and reliability of the dive industry market data. Please contact me on LinkedIn or here.

Let’s imagine that running a business is like sailing. It’s hard to bring the yacht to port in a storm while being blindfolded with no GPS. But that is precisely how it is to manage a dive business, currently, with a serious lack of scuba diving industry market statistics.

Let’s work together to bring the dive industry to the next level!

Thanks for your support,


Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report

color, paperback



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(USA) eBook

Scuba Diving Industry Market Size Research Report

Table of Contents

Section I: Setting The Stage

1: What Is The Goal of This Book?

2: What Do You Mean by “The Size” of The Dive Industry?

3: Challenges & Limitations in Measuring the Size of The Dive Industry

  • Dive Gear 
  • Dive Training 
  • Dive Travel 
  • Dive Industry Expenses vs. GDP 

4: Warning: An Epidemy of Fake Market Data Studies

Section 2: Reviewed Market Data & Statistics

5: BEA – Bureau of Economic Analysis

  • Water Activities’ Products & Services
  • Outdoor Recreation Trips & Travel
  • Value-Added Outdoor Recreation by State

6: SFIA: Sport & Fitness Industry Association

  • Water Sports Participation
  • Scuba Diving Participation
  • Snorkeling Participation
  • Swimming Participation
  • Stand-Up Paddling Participation
  • Surfing Participation
  • Golf Participation
  • Dive Gear Manufacturers’ Sales 
  • Socio-demographic Profile of Scuba Divers
  • Scuba Diving Participation Rate by Age Groups
  • Scuba Diving Participation Rate by Race
  • Scuba Diving Participation Rate by Gender
  • Other Scuba Diving Demographics

7: OIA: Outdoor Industry Association 

8: Dive Center Business Magazine

  • Number of Dive Centers in the USA
  • Impact of The COVID-19 Pandemic

9: Leisure Trends

  • Dive Gear Retail Sales
  • Total Dive Retail Sales
  • Average Revenues per Dive Center
  • Split of Revenues by Categories in Local Dive Shops 
  • Split of Dive Gear Revenues by Type 
  • Dive Training Statistics 

10: U.S. Census Bureau

  • Dive Regulator Imports
  • Dive Regulator Exports

11: Dive Gear Manufacturers & Brands

  • Scubapro (Johnson Outdoors)
  • Mares & SSI 
  • Beuchat
  • Aqua Lung 
  • Brownie’s Marine Group 
  • Decathlon 
  • Dive Gear Manufacturers Wrap-Up 

12: RSTC Europe 

13: TIV Tauchsport Industrieverband – Germany 

  • Dive Gear Sales – Germany 
  • Dive Gear Sales – Europe 
  • Split of Dive Gear Revenues by Type
  • Entry-Level Certifications 
  • Participation 
  • Gear Expenses by Diver & New Diver in Germany 
  • Training Expenses per Diver in Germany 
  • Travel Expenses per Diver in Germany

14: DEMA Diving Equipment & Marketing Association

  • Dive Gear Sales
  • Split of Gear Revenues
  • Entry-level Certifications in The USA
  • Entry-Level Open Water Certifications by State 
  • Certification Per Capita by State 
  • More Data Points: USA / California / Florida

15: PADI Professional Association of Diving Instructors

  • Retail Sales – USA
  • Retail Sales – Outside the USA
  • Number of Dive Centers – Worldwide

16: Centre for Conservation Geography – Australia 

17: Rebreather Forum 

  • Rebreather Diving Certifications
  • Rebreather Diving Certifications by Geographic Market
  • Rebreather Units Sold

Section 3: Business of Diving Institute Surveys & Studies

18: Scuba Try-outs / Discover Scuba Diving

  • The Dropout Rate
  • Number of Scuba Tryouts in The World
  • The Size of The Scuba Tryout Market

19: How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Dive Gear, Travel, Training & Services

  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Training
  • Percentage of Scuba Courses Done Locally
  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Dive Gear
  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Used Dive Gear
  • Where Scuba Divers Buy Their Dive Gear
  • Split of Dive Gear Purchases by Category of Product
  • How Much Rebreather Divers Spend Annually on Rebreathers & Rebreather Supplies
  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Renting Dive Gear
  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Servicing Their Dive Gear
  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Cylinder Fills
  • How Much Scuba Divers Spend Annually on Dive Outings & Dive Travel
  • Scuba Divers Who Also Participate in Freediving & Snorkeling

20: Dive Gear Manufacturers Sales Channels & Online Sales

21: Benchmarking Local Dive Shops in Western Europe & USA

  • Number of Employees per Scuba Diving Center
  • Number of Divemaster & Dive Instructors per Scuba Diving Center
  • Average Annual Dive Shop Revenues
  • Percentage of Dive Center Revenues by Department
  • Average Sales of Dive Gear per New Student-Diver
  • Product-Mix in Local Dive Shops

22: Benchmarking Dive Resorts

  • Products & Services Offered in Dive Resorts
  • Percentage of Dive Resorts’ Bookings by Sales Channel
  • Commissions Paid by Dive Resorts
  • Number of Employees per Dive Resort
  • Number of Employees per Dive Resort

23: The Size of the Dive Industry

Section 4: What’s Next?

24: How To Accurately Measure The Size of The Dive Industry