Your Dive Industry Compass: Scuba Diving Market Research, Surveys, Reports & Statistics

Scuba Diving Market Research, Surveys, Reports & Statistics

Your Dive Industry Compass

Dive Industry Surveys, Scuba Diving Market Research, Reports & Statistics

We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails – if we know in which direction the wind is blowing!

A very special and big “Thank You” to DAN Europe, Shearwater, and GUE for supporting our market research efforts in collaboration with InDEPTH magazine

Please let us know if you want to add your name to the list of organizations supporting dive businesses and dive professionals.

1) Ongoing Scuba Diving Industry Market Research & Surveys

You can help by participating in the ongoing surveys listed below. It will benefit the whole industry. Subscribe to be notified when results become available.

Your participation in these surveys will contribute to a better understanding of the dive industry to the benefit of all dive professionals.

The “Economics” of Being a Dive Instructor: Job Remuneration

(2025) OPEN TO ALL DIVE INSTRUCTORS. We conducted the first dive instructor remuneration study 4 years ago, at the end of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s time to update it. Please participate!

Is it possible to make a living as a recreational scuba diving instructor? What to expect financially. Hourly rates. How much do dive instructors invest in dive gear & scuba training? Differences in dive professionals’ income, based on the instructor’s gender, location, training agency affiliation, experience, age, and more.

You may check the 2021 results here.

Dive Training Agencies: Net Promoter Score 2025

(2025) OPEN TO ALL SCUBA DIVERS. How likely are you to recommend that dive training agency to a friend or colleague? How valuable is the dive training agency brand, really?

We run this study bi-annually. Check last year’s results.

2) Market Reports & Statistics From Completed Scuba Diving Industry Studies, Research & Surveys

We are doing our part to compensate for a general lack of reliable market data in the scuba diving industry. 

2.1) Survey Results on Quality & Safety in Scuba Diving

2.2) Dive Industry Market Reports, Survey Results & Business Statistics

2.3) Discussions Related to Scuba Diving Market Reports

2.5) Additional Survey Results & Reports on Distinct Scuba Diving Sectors of Activities

Thank You!

The following scuba diving industry leaders support our efforts to provide more insights into the dive industry in collaboration with InDEPTH Magazine.

Shearwater Research designs and manufactures computers for all types of divers: air, nitrox, multi-gas trimix, rebreather diving.

GUE is a leader in scuba education, having developed many industry-first training protocols and utilizing an elite cast of diving educators.

DAN Europe assists & protects divers, and conducts scientific research to make diving a safer, more accessible, and sustainable activity for all.

Please let us know if you would like to add your name to the list of organizations supporting a better understanding of the dive industry for the benefit of all dive professionals.

Other Dive Industry Resources

More scuba diving industry surveys, studies & reports are in the works. Subscribe to be kept in the loop!

Books, eBooks, Audiobooks & Logbooks

For Scuba Divers, Instructors & Dive Industry Professionals

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