Survey: Rescue & First Aid for Scuba Diving Emergencies

Survey: Rescue & First Aid Skills for Scuba Diving Emergencies

(2024) This survey is ONGOING & OPEN TO ALL SCUBA DIVERS excluding Public Safety Divers & Public Safety Diving Instructors. Thank you!

You may want to read this InDEPTH magazine article first: "How Current Are Your Rescue Skills?"

Your participation in this survey will contribute to a better understanding of the dive industry for everyone's benefit.

How ready are dive professionals and scuba divers to deal with scuba diving emergencies? How frequently do they refresh their skills? Recreational & technical diving.

This survey is part of a series of dive industry studies by InDEPTH Magazine and the Business of Diving Institute, with generous support from DAN Europe, GUE, and Shearwater.

Answers are anonymous, and your participation is greatly appreciated!

Tap 'Start' to participate in this short survey. You must get to 'Finish' for your answers to be recorded.

Note: This is our new survey platform. If you notice issues, please be so kind as to let us know. Thank you!

Introduction - Questions for All

How long ago did you receive general first aid & CPR training (not specific to scuba diving)?

How long ago did you receive general first aid & CPR training (not specific to scuba diving)?

Clear Selection

How long ago did you receive recreational scuba-specific first aid and rescue training (e.g., a DAN or Rescue Diver course)?

How long ago did you receive recreational scuba-specific first aid and rescue training (e.g., a DAN or Rescue Diver course)?

Clear Selection

When was the last time you took an oxygen provider course for scuba diving?

When was the last time you took an oxygen provider course for scuba diving?

Clear Selection

How 'current' and 'strong' would you assess your own diving rescue skills to be on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent)?

How 'current' and 'strong' would you assess your own diving rescue skills to be on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (excellent)?

Clear Selection

When doing recreational diving (excluding tech diving) with a dive buddy, how generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting your recreational dive buddy, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?

When doing recreational diving (excluding tech diving) with a dive buddy, how generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting your recreational dive buddy, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?

Clear Selection

When doing recreational diving (excluding tech diving) with a dive operator (e.g., as a scuba diver on a dive boat), how generally confident are you that the dive professionals supervising the dive are appropriately trained to deal with an emergency rescue situation, on a scale of 1 (not confident at all) to 5 (very confident)?

When doing recreational diving (excluding tech diving) with a dive operator (e.g., as a scuba diver on a dive boat), how generally confident are you that the dive professionals supervising the dive are appropriately trained to deal with an emergency rescue situation, on a scale of 1 (not confident at all) to 5 (very confident)?

Clear Selection

Have you ever been rescued or been involved in a self-rescue?

Have you ever been rescued or been involved in a self-rescue?

Clear Selection

Have you ever witnessed a diving rescue?

Have you ever witnessed a diving rescue?

Clear Selection

Have you ever rescued a diver or participated in a dive rescue?

Have you ever rescued a diver or participated in a dive rescue?

Clear Selection

How often do you practice rescue skills?

How often do you practice rescue skills?

Clear Selection

Have you ever practiced bringing an unconscious diver to the surface outside of a formal (certification) rescue diver course?

Have you ever practiced bringing an unconscious diver to the surface outside of a formal (certification) rescue diver course?

Clear Selection

Are you a tech diving divemaster, instructor, or instructor trainer?*

Are you a tech diving divemaster, instructor, or instructor trainer?*

Clear Selection
Tech Diving Professional
  1. How generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a nearby tech diver, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)? 
  2. *

  1. How generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a nearby tech diver, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)? 
  2. *

Clear Selection
Recreational Pro?

Are you a recreational (excluding tech) divemaster, instructor, or instructor trainer?*

Are you a recreational (excluding tech) divemaster, instructor, or instructor trainer?*

Clear Selection
Recreational Diving Professional

How generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a nearby tech diver, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?*

How generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a nearby tech diver, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?*

Clear Selection
All Dive Professionals

How long ago did you teach a recreational scuba-specific first aid or rescue training course (e.g., a Rescue Diver course)?

How long ago did you teach a recreational scuba-specific first aid or rescue training course (e.g., a Rescue Diver course)?

Clear Selection

How long ago did you specifically teach a DAN safety or first aid course?

How long ago did you specifically teach a DAN safety or first aid course?

Clear Selection

How long ago did you receive or teach first aid or rescue training specific to tech diving? 

How long ago did you receive or teach first aid or rescue training specific to tech diving? 

Clear Selection

Do any of the dive training agencies you are associated with offer a rescue course specific to tech diving?

Do any of the dive training agencies you are associated with offer a rescue course specific to tech diving?

Clear Selection

Do you believe tech diving training agencies (or other organizations like DAN) should offer rescue courses specific to tech diving emergencies (e.g., for recreational divemasters on dive boats used by tech divers)?

Do you believe tech diving training agencies (or other organizations like DAN) should offer rescue courses specific to tech diving emergencies (e.g., for recreational divemasters on dive boats used by tech divers)?

Clear Selection
Tech Diver?

Are you a tech diver (do you do tech diving)?*

Are you a tech diver (do you do tech diving)?*

Clear Selection
Tech Divers

When doing tech diving with a dive operator (e.g., as a tech diver on a dive boat), how generally confident are you that the dive professionals supervising the dive were appropriately trained to deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a tech diver, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?

When doing tech diving with a dive operator (e.g., as a tech diver on a dive boat), how generally confident are you that the dive professionals supervising the dive were appropriately trained to deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a tech diver, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?

Clear Selection

How generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a tech diving buddy, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?

How generally confident are you that you would be ready to properly deal with an emergency rescue situation affecting a tech diving buddy, on a scale of 1 (not ready at all) to 5 (totally ready)?

Clear Selection

Are you a cave diver (do you do cave diving)?*

Are you a cave diver (do you do cave diving)?*

Clear Selection
Cave Diver

Have you ever practiced bringing an unconscious cave diver to the entrance/surface?

Have you ever practiced bringing an unconscious cave diver to the entrance/surface?

Clear Selection
Wrapping Up

Please remember...

Please remember...

Please remember to get to the "Finish" button (below) for your answers to be recorded.
Thank you for your contribution to a better understanding of the dive industry!

Clear Selection

How often do you believe dive professionals (divemasters, instructors & instructor trainers) should practice and refresh their scuba rescue skills?

How often do you believe dive professionals (divemasters, instructors & instructor trainers) should practice and refresh their scuba rescue skills?

Clear Selection

On a scale of 1 (very unlikely) to 5 (very likely), how likely would you be to take a tech diving-specific rescue course if one were offered?

On a scale of 1 (very unlikely) to 5 (very likely), how likely would you be to take a tech diving-specific rescue course if one were offered?

Clear Selection

How long ago was your first dive?

How long ago was your first dive?

Clear Selection

Please, select the group that includes your year of birth.

Please, select the group that includes your year of birth.

Clear Selection

In which region is your country of residence?

In which region is your country of residence?

Clear Selection

To which gender do you most identify?

To which gender do you most identify?

Clear Selection
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Please note: You must get to the ‘FINISH‘ button for your answers to be recorded.

Thank you for your contribution to a better understanding of the dive industry for everyone’s benefit. You’re awesome! Dive safe!